This is Going to Get Interesting

Today is Thursday and on Sunday our house changes for the next 3 months. That’s right… it’s time for the college kids to come home again.

Now don’t get me wrong. I am so excited that they will be here but it will take some adjustment. My son is what I call a trailer. He leaves a trail of miscellaneous items in his wake where ever he goes, socks, pencils, clothes, paper, dishes. They all are scattered about as if by magic (actually I think it’s a curse.) My clean, organized (I’ve really been working on this one) house is about to be hit by a tornado know as my teenage son. My daughter is better but not completely. Her mess is at least mostly contained in her room (and she will be gone part of the summer) but that can also get pretty bad. Add to that the fact that they are moving all their stuff back and that we will have to find homes for it all and I think tornado about covers it.

If you have read my post Our Journey, or Car Talk you know that we started ttwd right after we took our son to college in the fall. That means that for that whole time, not counting a break or two, we have only had to keep this from one child, not three. The house is empty while our youngest is at school so that is when most of our spanking happens. We have never spanked when she was in the house. She sleeps immediately above our room and because of the layout of the other rooms we are concerned that we would be heard. They also stay up until all hours.  It’s a problem.

We will have to get quite creative this summer I think. Luckily they all like movies so I think they will be going to a lot  of them. 🙂 Any other ideas?