Missing Him

Alex has had a job that requires travel for our entire marriage. Most weeks he is gone 2-3 nights. Sometimes less, sometimes more. This is one of those more weeks.

Because of this I have always been very good at taking care of things. I have always said that when he is away I just get on with whatever needs to be done and makes sure it happens. There is a certain flow to the house when I am the only one at home and I always sort of liked it. Add to that the years when we didn’t really care too much for each other and I think we both kind of liked the breaks.

I spent way too much time being happy he was traveling.

Last night on the phone I told him how much I missed him. Missing him feels bad. I want him here and he isn’t. No fun.

But at the same time I suddenly felt happy too for the same reason…because I missed him. I spent far too long being happy he was gone and not really feeling that feeling of longing. As much as it hurts to miss him now it is a good hurt and much better than the loneliness of before.

I will pick him up at the airport on Friday and we will reconnect and I can hardly wait until then. What a great feeling.

8 thoughts on “Missing Him

  1. Hi Zoe,

    Welcome to blogging! How wonderful that you now miss him when he is away instead of being relived. It’s a good kind of hurt, in the same way that spanking provides a good kind of pain.

    I love your passion flower!


  2. Thanks for commenting Hermione. Its my 1st one! You’re right, it is a good kind of pain. And I’m glad you like the flower. It’s my favorite.

  3. Zoe, I just read through your posts and can relate to a lot of what you’ve written. I certainly relate to you missing your husband since Michael is also gone a lot for work. I hope the two of you are enjoying a wonderful weekend together. 🙂

  4. Hi Zoe, welcome to the community. I like your blog and I especially like this particular one. I appreciate how your love and affection have grown recently. You CAN start over, can’t you?

    I’m looking forward to reading more.

  5. Oh my gosh, so true. My husband travels too..and there were times I was just grateful for the break from him. These days I miss him dreadfully and feel incomplete. Since we began this lifestyle he has become my best friend.

    1. Feeling incomplete is exactly how missing him feels. I still wonder sometimes at our complete change of heart.I’ll take it!

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