You’re Killing Me Wife

Feisty Necklace Link

“You’re killing me Wife!”

Yeah that’s what he said after a little too much feistiness and (maybe) a little too much sass.

He knows and I know that until next week  privacy and therefore spanking will (probably) be non-existent. He is really very tolerant and I was just teasing him anyway but…

I think I had better shape up and watch myself or who knows. “You’re killing me wife” might just be followed by,

“And we’ll be taking care of that right now!”

21 thoughts on “You’re Killing Me Wife

  1. Oh Zoe, it sounds like you may already be too late, they have a way of remembering these things you know.

  2. Haha! Sounds like somebody is enjoying the prospect of no privacy for spankings..I know I have before..

  3. “You’re killing me!” …where have I heard that before? Oh yeah, from my own husband, quite a few times now that I think if it. I’m in a feisty mood too…and, well, “whatever”! 😉


  4. Zoe, I sure hope that he has a real good sense of humor or a bad memory. I was teasing with my husband and I guess I stepped over the line, what’s a girl to do?

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