Thanks Friends

This is my first blog on any topic and I really didn’t know what to expect. I knew I would use it as a diary of sorts to record this journey. What I didn’t understand was how much I would enjoy writing about all this and how much the act of writing would help me to process the many ups and downs we have experienced. The biggest surprise however has been the interactive nature of the blog and how much everyone else’s comments lead me to places I wouldn’t have gotten to myself.

My last post is a perfect example of that. You can read about it here.

I want to thank everyone who commented on the post. It really helped me to process the question of how we would handle jokes and tricks in a way that I would not have done without the feedback.

Through that post and the comments, Alex and I discussed things more deeply and came to a better understanding of how to handle TTWD. That is such an unexpected benefit of this blog. My writing gives him a window into what I am thinking and feeling and your comments often seem to help us look at things even more deeply or from a new perspective.

I have sometimes been sad that I couldn’t share this part of myself with any real life friends or relatives. For many reasons most of us in this community blog in anonymity but in some ways I think that that same anonymity allows me to comment and express opinions on others’ blogs in ways that I would never do in real life. Conversely I do not talk about my relationship with my husband in any other setting the way I do here. There is a level of sharing that doesn’t exist outside the blogging community. I am so thankful for the give and take we get to experience here.

I truly wonder if we would have made so much progress without this blog, without my writing and without your feedback. I don’t think we would. Your friendship and support allow me to work through the many questions that  we face and have helped us strengthen our relationship and make it better.

Thanks to all who read and visit and especially to those who comment.

14 thoughts on “Thanks Friends

  1. Zoe, DH and I have noticed this too. Having my blog lets me express myself and get feedback from other people as well as allowing him to know what is going one when I am being weird (as he puts it). That is why I always try to comment on other people’s blogs, or at least if I have something to say.

    1. Understanding us when we get weird is a huge benefit. I’m sure at times they must feel like it is a full time job. 🙂

  2. I really liked what you had to say here Zoe. I’ve learned so much from this blogging community. What I like is being able to have my eyes opened to different perspectives that people from the outside looking in can see better sometimes. And Mitch too likes to read my blog to see what going on inside my head. That’s been extremely helpful for us both.
    And I like commenting almost as much as getting comments myself lol. I have a blog roll list, I try to comment as much as I can because otherwise, why have them there and not use/read/comment? 🙂

    Dee x

    1. The different perspectives are what is so valuable to me. It is so helpful. I too try to comment on other blogs as much as I can. I enjoy the process.

  3. I liked your post and have many of the same feelings that you express here.
    I’ve met some really great people in the short while I’ve blogged and it is always nice to have comments. But, the deeper things you express I also understand. It is nice to get your thoughts down and process those and see what others have to say as well. Also, since it is not easy to share with “real life” family and friends then it is such a nice bonus to have this community of friends. So, thanks right back to you!

    1. You’re welcome!! I love so much getting to know the other members of this community and share in each others journeys. It’s a blessing.

  4. Wonderfully said Zoe. I feel the same way. I can be myself here and others understand. I love the conversations that spring up, the discussions that you would never hear anywhere else. I’m always learning and growing and being inspired by the blogs I read and the comments I receive.

    Musicman reads my blog and it gives him a unique look at my thoughts that we never had before. He also gets the chance to see through the comments the different thoughts and perspectives shared. It’s been a truly positive experience for us 🙂

    1. Being inspired is exactly how I feel. Reading others joys, sadnesses, struggles and triumphs inspires me to work harder and stick with this sometimes crazy journey. It is such a positive experience.

  5. Zoe, I agree with every single thing you wrote…the joy of blogging…the longing to tell a real-life friend…the freedom of anonymity…it’s all so true for me.

  6. Ditto! Blogging has done the same for us. It gives us a window into my heart that my husband would not otherwise have. In turn, the comments can at times turn us upside down with new realizations. Over time, as some of those commenters turn into friends, we understand each other even better and end up speaking significantly into my life. It’s really pretty wonderful.

    I think it’s interesting how the anonymity lets us be more honest.

    1. It is wonderful for us and something I have really come to cherish. The anonymity factor and how it fosters honesty and sharing is indeed interesting.

  7. That’s been a surprise for me too…I knew writing would help me sort out some of my own thoughts, but I didn’t realize how helpful others would be throughout the process. 🙂

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